It has been well over a month since I have blogged last, I really have not had much to write about or share. I have been in a scrappin funk. I am hoping to turn that around soon and get my hiney in gear. I am not big on New Year resolutions but I like to set goals. So, I think I will set some scrapping goals. Just don't know what they are yet.
I hope everyone enjoyed their Christmas season with each other. I got to spend my time with some loved ones. Our Christmas was very nice, the food was nice, but most of all just being together and having each other was the best of all.
Here are a few projects I did over the holidays. One of the ladies over at who is a design team member hosts a new word each week. That weeks word was (hold)
and the next word was (today)
so these are my layouts for those words. I am behind on one word.
Christa has put her new kits for January up over at the and they look yummy. She always has these kits jam packed. There will also be a card kit coming out named after my very best friend Lori who won the 12 weeks of Christmas contest. I want to say a huge congrats to her. I have one last project to share before I go, this was a gift to my step-mom for Christmas.