Thursday, March 25, 2010
Mr. B....

Monday, March 8, 2010
2nd Anniversary Crop
Tell your scrappy friends about it and don't forget to come here to register of you haven't already!
Thursday, March 4, 2010
Do You Have What It Takes??
Tuesday, March 2, 2010
I had a happy moment....

by a very Sweet lady named Deanna you can see her blog here http://momentstocherish-deanna.blogspot.com/ She is always a great inspiration to me and very helpful when needed.
Help keep the Sunshine Alive and pass this on to brighten others days.
If you accept this blog award please do the following:
1)Place the award in your post or within your blog.
2)Pass this award to six nominees.
3)Link the nominees to your post
.4) Let the nominees know they have received the award by commenting on their blog.
5)Link to the person you received the award from.
Here are my 6 Sunshine Awards ( in no particular order )
LORI: http://rememberme-lorip.blogspot.com/search?q she has been my best friend for many years, and will always be my best friend.....no matter what.
Christa:http://amooretto.blogspot.com/ I have come to know this great lady in just a few years. She is a great person to work for and a great person to talk to. She is smart as a friend and as a business person
Janie:http://scrapperjaniesplace.blogspot.com/ she and I have just become friends recently....and lets just say we hit it off right away. This chick has a sense of humor. I love this lady. She makes me laugh.
Stephanie: http://stephsblog-sln1982.blogspot.com/ okay me and this girl go way back...I knew her before she even drove a car. I remember when she turned 18, I remember when she turned 21....yeah lets just say she has been around a while. Ohhh I am sure she has some good gossip on me.
Janet: http://myunorganizedwonderfullife.blogspot.com/I don't really, really know this wonderful lady like I would like to. Sometimes though I don't think we have to say anything at all and we already know what each other thinks. I know Janet from the message board and she is a spectacular scrapper.
Tonya:http://tonyaboone.blogspot.com/ I also know Tonya from http://www.themosyscrapper.com message board....she also has some super scrappy work. I also do not know this lady as well as some of the other listed.....but time....in due time.
Well there you have it.....there is my Sunshine Awards.

Monday, March 1, 2010