Thursday, March 25, 2010

Mr. B....

This is Mr. B for his Odyssey Competition last weekend. He was dressed as a California Raisins. His whole team placed 3rd which was a good thing and bad thing. Good because now we don't have to travel for Nationals and bad cause as parents you always want your children to be in first.


janet said...

I love the costume! So cute. Sorry he didn't come in first but glad you guys don't have to travel. You could have come to Michigan to visit me!

lori said...

what a "do-do"... that's how josh used to sing the song when he was about 3, "do, do, do..." and he just ended up calling the california raisins the "do-do's".

mr. b looks great, sorry that he didn't come in first, but sometimes a lesson is learned by not always winning. (i did not say that, i am quoting from an unknown source!)

have a great weekend, can't wait to see the page that you do-do with this photo!!!

Joyce said...

That costume is so cute!!!

Jana said...

What a cute costume!